***************************************************************************************** * Date: 09/16/2001 - HEverest.txt - ***************************************************************************************** ========================================================================================= *Title: "HOT EVEREST" *HEverest.zip 3.95 MB containing: - Pak0.pak.................. 9.90 MB - HEverest.txt.............. 7.57 KB - HEverest.bat.............. 261 Bytes ========================================================================================= * Author/Contact Info ========================================================================================= Author : SilverChip Site : http://planeta.clix.pt/silverchip Email Address : silverchip@clix.pt Review sites : PLEASE send me an email saying where I can check the review of this map. ========================================================================================= * Location Info ========================================================================================= -Location : Everest Planet. -Distance from Earth : 25000 light years. -Atmosphere : Similar to Earth but with higher levels of oxygen. -Landscape : Rocky landscape with some big lagoons. -Gravity : Very similar to Earth's gravity,due to the help of some heavy underground machines that keep the gravity constant. ========================================================================================= * STORY (letter from Everest Human Colony Captain): ========================================================================================= Hi,marine! Since Stroggs had discovered the human colony at Everest Planet,they don't stop to conquer more and more humam territory as they are receiving lots of logistic reinforcements from the planet original people, the Evernecros. Because of this we asked reinforcements to the near human colony but they will take at least one or two months to arrive,so we need to do something to delay the Stroggs final and massive attack to our colony,to accomplish this we must get access to the place in the abandon park where stroggs are keeping the Data CD with vital information about the next attack. Once you get the Data CD you should find a way to escape on your own, you could try to use their escape boat... You will be droped in the park installations near a little wood house.. Good luck! The Everest Base Captain ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ *Objectives resume ~ ~ - Catch the Data CD ~ ~ - Eliminate all resistence ~ ~ - Get back alive preferably ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ========================================================================================= * HOW TO RUN "Hot Everest" ========================================================================================= - Registered Version of Quake 2 is required (version 3.20, it may work with other versions but i didn't test). - Follow these instructions: 1st)-Extract HEverest.zip (using winzip ) to your Quake2 directory (ie,c:\quake2), using folder names (this option must to be activate). 2nd)-To run the level, open up the HotEverest directory and double-click the HEverest.bat file. - Note: Don't use cheats, you will lose some important actions! - Gameplay note: Some levers cause damage to the player. ========================================================================================= * Play Information ========================================================================================= Single Player : Yes Cooperative : No Deathmatch : No Difficulty Settings : No, just a standart difficulty level (+hard) New Sounds : Yes [all sounds in sound\manke\*.wav, by Neil Manke ] New Graphics : Most by me,some Kingpin textures, Soda vending machine textures by Steven Marcus Evil textures pak by Yves Allaire and Environment by the Mighty Pete New Monsters : No New Demos : No New Models : No ========================================================================================= * Construction ========================================================================================= Base : New levels from scratch Editor(s) used : Worlcraft 1.6 Other(s) used : gddqbsp3 1.09 gddqvis3 1.03 ArghRad 2.0 Q2Beaver 4.0.0 (beta) MapSpy 1.0 Wally 1.52B QPed Paint Shop Pro 6.00 Prefabs used : None Known Bugs : In the second map there is an untidy texture due to a editor bug. Construction Time : Some months, on and off. Construction Machine : Pentium 150MHz, 16MB RAM. Compile Time : Less than 1 hour. Compile Machine : AMD K7 1.1GHz, 256MB RAM. Beta testers : - DAV - DarkAngel Comments : Don't forget to send me your comment about the level. ========================================================================================= * Special Thanks ========================================================================================= Just to say thanks to DAV for the help he gave me in my introdution to the world of level editing, answering many questions that i did during the construction of this level and some previous maps i made to learn the Quake2 engine. ========================================================================================= * Legal Info ========================================================================================= The Kingpin textures were converted from the original Kingpin textures which are copyright Interplay. This level may be electronically distributed only if HotEverest.txt is included and unaltered at NO CHARGE to the recipient, and may not be used or modified in any way without written permission from the author. This level may not be distributed on any medium, such as, but not limited to, floppy disks, CDs, DVDs, etc, without the express written permission of myself. All the content of pak0.pak are the property of their respective authors and ARE NOT to be used in any other add-ons without the written permission of the appropriate author. All this stuff just to say that if you want to make something with the content of HEverest.zip you will need to ask me first. ========================================================================================= ============================================END========================================== =========================================================================================